Refined Sugar Association
Welcome to The Refined Sugar Association
The Refined Sugar Association was founded on 8th January 1891 for the purpose of establishing the Rules and Regulations required for the proper conduct of the white refined sugar trade in the United Kingdom and international markets.
The Association also provides a dispute resolution service by arbitration to both members and non-members.
Rules and Contract Conditions
The Members and Council of the Association are responsible for the framing of the Rules and Regulations which provide contract terms for the international white refined sugar trade by sea, rail and road. Members and Council are also responsible for framing of the Rules for supervision and analysis of the international white refined sugar trade.
The Rules and Regulations are regularly reviewed by its Members and the Council to meet the changing nature of the international white refined sugar trade.
Please click here to view or download the Rules and Regulations.
Companies throughout the world, who are both Members and Non-Members, use the SAL arbitration service because of the high quality awards made by respected trade arbitrators who are recognised as leading members of the international raw sugar trade.
We use a single tier arbitration system offering Standard Arbitration with a Reasoned Award and also there is a Short Form Arbitration Procedure available for small claims where an Award Without Reasons is published to the parties within 5 working days of the document hearing.
The Rules have been published in the Handbook of Arbitration Practice, by Ronald Berstein Q.C. He refers to these rules as being, "the best modern example of the single tier arbitration system in commodity trade arbitration. These rules serve as a clear general illustration of the close administration by a trade association of contract disputes".
The Rules Relating To Arbitration are available on this website.